LLMs for Parents

I recently used ChatGPT-4o to help out with my 10-year old's math homework. I know there is much coming on the LLMs for education front but here's how you can use it it today:

My son had about 7-pages of math homework all on paper on fractions and long division. Confession: even after a long career in finance and tech, my mental math is not the best (I use Excel for a reason) and it takes me a while to figure out some of the trickier problems. So here's how I used GPT-4o and its multi-modal capabilities to the fullest:

1. Snapped a picture of his handwritten worksheet and the questions
2. Prompted ChatGPT to evaluate the answers and score them
3. He got ~80% on the papers so I then asked it to identify what his gaps in understanding were and what he should concentrate on
4. It gave me a beautiful summary with clear areas for improvement.
5. I then prompted it to create a new question bank comprised only of areas that needed improvement.

To me this is truly a revolution in education. I will leave it to teachers and education professionals to figure out how to deploy this at scale in schools but for your average working parent, this is an amazing innovation.

My next step will be figure out how to let my son run this himself on his computer - a little smidge of Python code and some system level prompts (so that it coaches him rather than just gives him the answer) is all that it needs. If there are parents out there who are interested, happy to put this up on Github so you can use it. Will keep you updated on how it progresses.


Which is the best LLM